Latest updates...
2024-12-17 REXXGBLV V078.4 - Fix S0C4 when Zero Address testing is active.
2024-12-10 FINDMBR v012.16 Force single db, add SETLIB option, numerous fixes.
2024-12-10 REXXVARS v012.6 - DFSPARM file as stem.
2024-12-05 REXXVARS v012 - Fix external sort, allow for DFSPARM file.
Name Scope Description Build Doc
ASMAL ISPF edit macro Edit macros for doing assembly and linkedit, or both.
3 edit macros: ASMA, ASML and ASMAL for doing assembly, linkedit or both of the edited data. Options and directives are in the assembly source as comments. Documentation is in the macros.
CDEUCTZ2 ASM macro Bump program use count to keep program in JPAQ.
This will significantly improve performance of an often loaded program.
For reentrant and optionally serially reusable programs
CSIREXX REXX pgm Search ICF catalogs, return entry name, type, volser, catname etc.
Returns info as a list, in the stack, in a global variable pool, in an ISPF table or as a returned value.
Latest update: output to ISPF table
2020-07-24 text
DLNKLST ASM macro Double-linked list - add, delete, navigate.
Latest update: Locate and search list
FINDMBR ISPF dialog Find member, open dialog for various actions agains the member or dataset.
The FINDMBR application is an ISPF application which allows you to find PDS/PDSE member(s) which existed at the latest FINDMBR update run and perform various actions against the member or dataset through the dialog.
012 text
HEXDUMP ASM macro Write a block of data in DUMP format, hex and text. 2019-02-17
HIPERCMD ASM program Issue Hipervisor commands via the DIAGNOSE facility 3.16
INLN2PDS REXX pgm Have dialog elements panels, skeletons etc inside your REXX pgm.
The subroutine writes inline data blocks to a temp pds as separate members
ISPCMDL REXX pgm List all open ISPF tables.
Requires the STEMEDIT CBT program.
2018-10-23 text
ISPCMDU REXX pgm Update the in-storage copy of your ISPF command table.
This is done for your ISPF session only, and it is effective immediately.
ISPCTE REXX pgm Maintain permanent ISPF command tables.
Can be called with parameter USER or SITE, if user- or site command tables are implemented, or with a name and library, meaning that it can be used from ISPF 3.4
ISPCTL REXX pgm List all open ISPF command tables in a dialog.
The dialog calls ISPCTE if edit of table is selected.
ISPDPX01 ISPF panel exit ISPF panel exit to insert records into an ISPF panel.
It can replace the entire panel or one or more sections with data in REXX stem variables.
006 2022/09/17 text
ISPEXI16 ISPF exit Alloc log, list, trace, and temp data set only when needed. 2019-09-17
ISPPDA ISPF REXX ISPF panel using dynamic scrollable area.
Build scrollable or non-scrollable display using dynamic screen area, with the scroll and selection field handling done in the pnel itself.
ISPPDAS ISPF REXX ISPF sample programs using the ISPPDA panel 001
ISPQTAB ISPF dialog Show all open tables, list details and contents. 2018-09-01
MLCMP ISPF dialog Dialog for compare 2 libs, perform actions against members.
Can be used as normal command MLCMP lib1 lib2 mbrl, from ISPF 3.4 entering just lib1, or even without parameters for a prompt.
005 2024-03-25.04 text
ONLY ISPF edit macro Show only records with specified content.
PIPE2DS TSO pipe PIPE subr , allow write to new dataset. text
QSAM31 ASM macro Do QSAM i/o using 31-bit buffers. 2019-10-01
REXXGBLV REXX function Provides a global variable store for REXX program.
Variables can be saved and later retrieved by the same or another REXX process. The saved variables can be written to and retrieved from a disk file, so can be used across logons and even be shared amongst users.
078.4 2024-12-18 16:34:21 text pdf
REXXMACS ASM macro Macro set for REXX interface.
Macros for stuff like VGET, VPUT, STEMGET, STEMPUT, SAY etc.
Documentation is in the macros.
2024-04-29 text
REXXSTOR REXX function Write and read data to named storage area. 2019-10-04
build 005
REXXVARS REXX function REXX general variables utility - browse/edit/view, copy, delete, index, list, rename, sort. 011 text
RUN ISPF edit macro Execute edited data directly, no need to save first.
The program will analyze the data, and determine the data type REXX, panel, skeleton...
RXEXECIO REXX function Allocate, get/put, free in one go,
Tired of doing ALLOCATE, EXECIO and FREE then this small program might be what you are looking for.
It allocates a named dataset and either reads from it or write to it, using a stem or the stack as source or target and freeing the datasets at the end.
Also does copy between datasets/files and load dataset as string.
004 2022-10-30 text
RXHLLK Hi-level program subroutine Give hi-level programs access to REXX sevices, like reading and writing variables, and to the TSO stack. 003 text
RXINSTRX REXX pgm Run a REXX pgm from SYSIN or parm 2023-07-26
RXOPCOMM REXX function Allow MODIFY/STOP operator command for REXX programs. 008.01 2021-09-23 13.59.03 text
RXPATMAT REXX pgm Function to performs ISPF-like pattern matching on a mask against a string
RXPATTRN REXX function REXX pattern check.
Test string agains a pattern.
Analyze a stem by pattern, build stem with match and nomatch indicator.
009.6 2023-07-03 07:38:14 text
RXPIPE REXX package TSO PIPE alternative.
RXPIPE executes a series of commands, called stages, passing the output of each stage as input to the next, through the TSO stack. In this it works similar to a MSDOS pipe. RXPIPE has a number of built-in transformers to manipulates the contents of the stack.
008.4 2024-10-22.1 text
RXRDPRML REXX function Copy a parmlib member to a stem. 2018-09-01
RXREALDS REXX function Return real name for relative gds or alias. 002.001 2023-06-14 07:44:05 text
RXSAFCHK REXX function Check access to SAF resourse. 2020-03-05
build 001
RXSORTH REXX pgm Heap sort of a stem. Faster than bubble sort, good for small internal sorts. 2021-07-15
RXVSAMBA REXX function Add update delete and retrieve multiple records in VSAM KSDS and RRDS.
The program can add, retrieve, update and delete multiple records from VSAM KSDS- and RRDS databases using stem or stack for source and target.
Latest: fix mask and numeric verification issues
031.2 2024-11-14 16:11:11 text
RXWAIT REXX function Wait some seconds / fraction of seconds. 2019-07-22
SETREG ASM macro Set a register to a value.
External support macro used by a number of other macros.
SKEL ISPF edit macro Run ISPF skeleton services using selected edit data. 2022-07-27
SLNKLST ASM macro Single-linked list - add, delete, navigate.
STRBYMSK ASM macro Generate new string from string by mask. 2023-06-15
STRPATRN ASM macro Test string against a pattern/mask. 2023-06-15
TSOPUTLN ASM macro TSO putline not needing setup. 2019-10-02
UNIQUE ISPF edit macro Delete duplicate records, does not sort the data.
UPDSTAT ISPF command Set/update ISPF source library member statistics. 001 2020-04-30
XISPTBL REXX subr Callable subroutine for standard ISPF table handling.
The subroutine has built-in support for table row delete, edit, insert and repeat. The display can be filtered by include or exclude, and sorted. You can name an external program to be called for primary- and line commands.
2019-08-13 text
XTBDISD REXX pgm Subroutine using dynamic display area to show table.
The display can be filtered by include or exclude, and sorted. You can name an external program to be called for primary- and line commands.
2020-07-24 text
XTBDISDD REXX pgm Demo program for the dynamic table display pgm XTBDISD. 2020-07-24