)F REXX Subroutine using dynamic display area to show table Subroutine using dynamic display area and table as data source Syntax and parameter description XTBDISD parameters AREA(name) Name of the dynamic area in the panel. LCLIST(list) List of line commands to pass to the external proc named by the LCPROC parameter. LCPROC(name) Name of external proc to be called for line commands. NBL(list) LIst of build-in line commands to ignore (negate). PANEL(name) Display panel having dynamic area. PAS(text) Use text as selection for point-and-shoot. PCPROC(name) Name of external proc to be called for primary commands. PROC(name) Name of external proc to be called for both primary and and line commands. RETCMD(list) List of primary command causing return to the caller. SFD(text w) Select field definition. Optional width (w). TABLE(name) Table containing the data to display. The table must contain 3 variables named XTBDSEL, XTBDATTR and XTBDTEXT, for the line selection, attribute and text in the dynamic area. If parameter TXTBLD is not specified, then the XTBDTEXT variable must contain the line defintion incl color codes, but minus the selection field. TEXTBLD(text) String defining how the program should build the text line instead of using the XTBDTEXT variable. I.e. TEXTBLD('clr1 || left(dsn,44) || clr2 || status') where all fields are part of the table. Note that the XTBDTEXT variable is still required for FIND, ONLY etc commands. VARTBL(name) Table name containing caller's global variables. Table is TBGETed before and TBPUTed after table display. WIDTH(val) Panel width, default is 80. Built-in primary commands ALL Show all lines. Find text (NEXT PREV) Find text forward (NEXT) or backward (PREV). Default direction is NEXT. eXclude text Leave only lines not containing text. Hide text Leave only lines not containing text. Locate text Position at next line starting with text. Only text Leave only lines with text. UNHide text Show lines previously hidden, containing text. Version: 2020-07-14