)F Catalog Search Interface for REXX pgms (simplified) Search ICF catalog(s), return entry name, type, volser(s) and catalog name as a list, in the stack, in a global variable pool, a table row or as a returned value. Based on SYS1.SAMPLIB(IGGCSIRX) Parameters key Type(type) Cat(cat) Fields(fldlist) 1CAT(Y) Return(ret,ropt1) FOrmat(format) key Like ISPF 3.4, except trailing '.**' must be used. 'MCName' returns the mastercatalog name. 'MCInfo' returns the mastercatalog name and volser. type Entry type CLUSTER DATA INDEX NONVSAM GDS GDG PATH ALIAS AIX UCAT ATLLIB ATLVOL and special case CLNAME. Can be abbreviated down to smallest unique value. Multiple types can be speficied, seperated by comma or blank. Note that type CLUSTER will return subset types DATA, INDEX and AIX too. CLNAME will return cluster names only. cat Name of catalog to search. 'MCat' substitutes the mastercatalog name. fldlist List of fields to return: NAME, TYPE, CAT, VOL, VOLS, CREDT VOL means first or only volume, VOLS means volume 1-3. Default if return = 'LIST': NAME TYPE VOL CAT else : NAME, TYPE, CAT, VOLS format WIDE: do not compress generated text. CSV: make comma separated text 1CAT(Y) Search only a single catalog. Is forced when option CAT(cat) is used. ret|out List list (SAYs) Queue queue list to the stack Gblv write list to REXX global variable pool CSIREXX as stem 'CSI.'. Requires the REXXGBLV program. Return return the first or only entry. Useful when requesting info for a single entry. Table add to named ISPF table. The table variables can be DNAME, DTYPE, CATNAME VOLS or VOL. Note that output lines will be compressed except for LIST, or if FORMAT(WIDE) is specified. ropt1 tablename if ret=Table - default is CSIREXX