REXX highlevel program interface Current version: 003.02 date 2024-04-29 General information Assembler subroutine to provide access for high-level programs to REXX services like variable get / put and the TSO stack, The module have an alias RXHLLKC for C programs that use null-terminated strings. The subroutine is reentrant. The program must run under REXX, even if it only acesses the TSO stack. The program must be 'called', i.e. Call MYCOBPGM. Neither as function i.e. cc=MYCOBPGM() nor as TSO command i.e. Address TSO "MYCOBPGM" will work. Syntax The parameters are positional. All calls must include the id- and command parameters. Implemented calls CALL Call REXX program. Syntax: command, name, parm-addr, parm-len, resp-addr, resp-len Name must be 8 bytes wide, but need not be in upper case. Resp-len is the size of the response buffer. All parameters are required, but parm-len can be set to 0 for no parm, and resp-len can be set to 0 if no reponse is wanted. Parm-addr and resp-addr may be the same field, If the call to the REXX fails, i.e. name not found, then the failure rc is returned in the resp-addr field and RXHLLK returns with code 5 (error), so the resp-len should be at least 8. Also check any messages in SYSTSPRT. DISPLAY Show some text at the terminal. Syntax: command, text-addr, text-len MSG Alias for DISPLAY. NEXT Retrieve all REXX variables, one by one. Syntax: command, name-addr, name-len, area-addr, area-len Note that you cannot redo a NEXT, i.e. after a truncation event, You must either RESET and start again, or save the variable name and do a specfic VGET later. NEXTF Retrieve REXX variables filtered by variable name. Syntax: command, name-addr, name-len, area-addr, area-len, mask, masklen Mask characters are % for a single character, * for many or none. PULL Retrieve the top stack entry. Syntax: Call: command, area-addr, area-len PUSH Add a stack entry at the top. Syntax: Call: command, area-addr, area-len QUEUE Add a stack entry at the bottom. Syntax: Call: command, area-addr, area-len REPULL Retrive latest PULL data, i.e. after a truncation event. Syntax: Call: command, area-addr, area-len RESET Reset a current NEXT. Used to (re)start NEXT processing, i.e. after a truncation event. TERM Drop retained control blocks. Required if the program was called with an id. Otherwise the control blocks are left orphaned. Syntax: Call: command VGET Retrieve one named REXX variable. Syntax: Call: command, name-addr, name-len, area-addr, area-len VPUT Writes one named REXX variable. Syntax: Call: command, name-addr, name-len, area-addr, area-len VSTAT Obtain the count of variables, the max name width and the max data width. Syntax: Call: command, count, namewidth, datawidth Usefull if you want to ensure a big enough data area for NEXT. Count and width are integers. Notes - The area-len will be updated by the interface for the VGET, NEXT and PULL commands, - The name is up-cased internally for VGET and VPUT. - The name-addr and len describes the name receiver field for the NEXT, pull and REPULL commands. - Prefixing the command with a question mark will activate tracing of the command, i.e. ?VGET. Return codes 0 ok 1 Data retrieved, but truncated. 2 Variable not found or end of NEXT or stack is empty. 3 Bad command 4 Something bad happened, check messages. The subroutine uses TSO PUTLINE, so mesages can be OUTTRAPed. Samples COBOL VGET sample DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 hliid PIC x(8) . 01 hlicmd PIC x(8) . 01 nameval PIC x(100) . 01 namelen PIC 9(5) COMP. 01 textval PIC x(250) . 01 textlen PIC 9(5) COMP. 01 rc PIC 9(5) COMP. move "VGET" to hlicmd. move "TESTVAR" to nameval. move 7 to namelen. move spaces to textval. move length of textval to textlen. CALL "RXHLLK" using hliid hlicmd nameval namelen textval textlen returning rc. C VGET sample #include #include #pragma linkage (rxhllkc, OS) main () { extern int rxhllkc(); int retcode; char hlicmd[9]; /* command */ char name[61]; /* varname */ int namelen; /* name or field length */ char text[121]; /* text */ int textlen; /* text or field length */ retcode = 0; strcpy (hlicmd, "VGET "); /* must be 8 bytes */ strcpy (name, "TESTVAR"); namelen = strlen(name) ; /* length of the actual name */ textlen = 120; /* data buffer length */ retcode = rxhllkc (hlicmd, name, &namelen, text, &textlen); printf("rc is %d, text is %d '%s' \n", retcode, textlen, text); More elaborate samples in the members RXHL$COB, RXHL$CPL and RXHL$PLI. Install Modify and run member RXHL$MOD to install the modules. Members RXHL$COB COBOL demo RXHL$CPL C demo RXHL$PLI PL/I demo RXHLDOC Documentation (this member) RXHLLK Install the module RXHLMACS Local macros RXHLRXT REXX test pgm, used by the demos. REXXMACS Assembler macros for REXX access SYSMACS Collection of dvlsys assembler macros WSAMMACS Assembler macros for conditional assembly Author Willy Jensen mail web (newest version here) Disclaimer The product is totally freeware and can be distributed and modified as you like, though the author would like to know of enhancements made, so that they might be incooporated into the base product. The author accepts no responsibility for any damage caused by the product not behaving as expected or as documented. It is after all free. Questions and comments should be sent to the email address, enhancement requests are especially welcome. If you experience problems then check the website for an updated version.