REXXGBLV - REXX function - Global variable support See the PDF version at or in the install.lib member RXGVPDF. The WORD document is in the install.lib member RXGVDOCX. They mest be downloaded to a PC before they can be opened. Build id: 077 Fixed in this build Make the DATA(xx) parm for RIMPORT and IMPLOAD actually work. LOADDROP did not drop the pool. New in this build New APPEND parameter for the LOAD commands. *Warning - the build id is part of the id of the storage blocks, so if you upgrade REXXGBLV to LPALIB then active tasks will not see storage blocks created before the upgrade. You must bounce long-running tasks immediately after the upgrade. This is to prevent errors in case of changes to the storage block structure. Future builds will only change the storage block id if a change to the storage block structure has been done. *Warning - build 063 changes the return code when no records are found for load. Short description REXXGBLV addresses the lack of global storage in REXX. While REXX does provide some means of passing data to and retrieve data from subroutines, there is no easy method for storing data for later retrieval. REXXGBLV provides a variable store external to the currently running REXX program. Variables can be saved and later retrieved by the same or another REXX process. The saved variables can be written to and retrieved from a disk file, so can be used across logons and even be shared amongst users. The data is stored in a named pool in the home address space above the 16MB border. Any number of pools can be created, till the virtual storage runs full. The maximum length of a variable name is 240. There is no maximum data length. Export and import will split the data over more records if needed. The program is re-entrant, so can be installed in LPALIB. See the 'Performance' section later for other options. Additionally, REXXGBLV can index variables, copy variables and list variables (useful for debugging). Function call syntax REXXGBLV must run as a function: n= REXXGBLV('function parameters') Refer to the section 'Parameter description' later for a detailed description of the parameters. Add data directly to a pool variable ADD VAR(name) VALUE(data) | VALVAR(varname) [POOL(pool)] Data can be a string of max 200 characters without parenthesis or other characters which can invalidate the parm string. Varname is the name of a variable containing the data. Use this instead of VALUE(data) if you are unsure of the data or if the data length is more than 200. If the last chars of the name are '.+' then a new stem variable is created with suffix = name.0 + 1 and name.0 is updated. If name.0 do not exist it is created. This is intended for making a simple log feature. See sample Add a pool variable directly . Add (append) stack elements to a pool. For replace, use the 'Save' command. See 'Save REXX stack to a pool' for details. ADD STAck [POOL(pool)] Clear an entire pool and then save REXX variables to the pool CLRSAVE VAR(name) [POOL(pool)] This is a combined DEL * and SAVE. *deprecated, use DROPSAVE instead. Delete pool variables, then save REXX variables in the pool CLRVSAVE VAR(name) [POOL(pool)] *deprecated* DELSAVE VAR(name) [DATA(mask)] [POOL(pool)] This is a combined DEL VAR(name) and SAVE VAR(name). This call will delete all pool variables matching name , then save REXX variables matching name in the pool. It can be useful if you previously have stored a large stem and now wish to start over with a smaller number. The VAR parameter is required. Copy pool variables POOLCOPY POOL(from-pool) POOL2(to-pool) [VAR(name)] Copy some or all variables from one pool to another. to-pool may be new. Either pool may be specified as '*' for default pool. Copy REXX variables with new name. COPY VAR(name) DATA(mask) AS(newmame) 'name' must be generic, like MYVAR. or MYVAR* . 'newname' see the AS parameter below. Delete pool variables DEL VAR(name) [POOL(pool)] The VAR parameter is required. Delete pool(s) DROP POOL(name or mask) Releases storage. Poolname is required. You cannot delete the internal pools. Delete a pool, then save REXX variables or the stack to the pool DROPSAVE VAR(name) | STAck [DATA(mask)] POOL(pool) This is a combined DEL * and SAVE. Poolname is required. You cannot delete the internal pools. Export a pool to dataset EXPORT [ DD(fileref) | DS(dataset) ] [POOL(pool)] [VAR(name)] [DATA(mask)] [AS(name)] [PREFIX(prefix)] Update pool variable(s) in an Export dataset EXPORTU [ DD(fileref) | DS(dataset) ] POOL(pool) [VAR(name)] [DATA(mask)] Imports file to a pool IMPORT [ DD(fileref) | DS(dataset) ] [POOL(pool)] [VAR(name)] [AS(name)] [PREFIX(prefix)] File must have been created by the EXPORT/REXPORT function. Import file to a pool, then load the pool to REXX variables IMPLOAD [ DD(fileref) | DS(dataset) ] [POOL(pool)] [VAR(name)] [DATA(mask)] [AS(name)] [PREFIX(prefix)] This is a combination of IMPORT and LOAD. File must have been created by the EXPORT/REXPORT function. Build a REXX stem containing the names of variables in a pool INDEX VAR(name) STEM(stem) [POOL(pool)] Build a stem containing the names of variables in a pool matching 'name'. Note the stem is built in REXX, not in the pool. List contents of a pool LIST [VAR(name)] [POOL(pool)] [LENGTH] [NW(name-width)] [DW(data-width)] [LISTSTEM(listname)] [ALL] See the DW, NW, LENGTH and LISTSTEM operands later. Use ALL to show internal variables. List pool names LISTPOOL POOL(name or mask) Load pool variables or stored stack elements to REXX variables or stack. LOAD [VAR(name) | STAck] [DATA(mask)] [POOL(pool)] [AS(name)] [TOSTack] [PREFIX(prefix)] [LISTSTEM(liststem)] [GEN0] [APPEND] Use 'STACK' to load stored stack elements. Use 'TOSTACK' to write to the stack. REXX variables can optionally be renamed, otherwise they are loaded (and replaced) with the pool variable name. Use GEN0 when the AS parameter specifies a stem base to generate a stem.0 variable. APPEND will append the VAR(name) stored variables to the AS(name). Using LISTSTEM saves a list of variables loaded, note that this is only supported for a generic load. See sample 'Save and retrieve REXX variables'. Load pool variables to REXX, then drop the pool LOADDROP load parameters Load pool variables to REXX, then delete the variables from the pool PULL 'load' parameters. This is a combination of LOAD and DEL. The VAR parameter is required. Map the internal memory storage structure MAP [XTENDED] XTENDED will map storage entries. For debugging. Return the value from a pool variable RETURN VAR(name) [POOL(pool)] Null is returned if the variable is null, if the variable does not exist, or if the pool does not exist. Export REXX variables directly to dataset REXPORT VAR(name) [DD(fileref) | DS(dataset)] [AS(name)] [PREFIX(prefix)] Update REXX variable(s) directly in an export dataset REXPORTU VAR(name) [DATA(mask)] [DD(fileref)] Imports REXX variables directly from file RIMPORT [VAR(name)] [DATA(mask)] [DD(fileref) | DS(dataset)] [AS(name)] [PREFIX(prefix)] File must have been created by the EXPORT/REXPORT function. Build a stem containing the names of selected REXX variables RINDEX VAR(name) [DATA(mask)] STEM(stem) [DATA(mask)] Create a listing of the variable names matching 'var' in stem 'stem'. See sample Build a stem of REXX variable names . List contents of REXX variables RLIST VAR(name) [DATA(mask)] [LENGTH] [NW(name-width)] [DW(data-width)] [LISTSTEM(listname)] See the DW, NW, LENGTH and LISTSTEM operands later. Default is to list to terminal, LISTSTEM can be used to save the list. Save REXX variables or the stack to a pool SAVE [VAR(name) | STAck] [POOL(pool)] [DATA(mask)] [AS(name)] [PREFIX(prefix)] [GEN0] When saving the stack and the AS(name*) parameter is used, then 'name' is suffixed with a 6-digit right-adjusted running number, number, i.e. AS(ASTAK*) is stored as ASTAK000001, ASTAK000001, .., ASTAK00000n. Default name '0S*'. When saving the stack and the AS(name.) parameter is used, then stack is stored as a stem with a running number. I.e. SAVE STACK AS(ASTACK.) witl generate ASTAK.1, ASTAK.2 .. ASTAK.n. Note that ASTAK.0 is only generated if you use the GEN0 parameter. See sample Save and retrieve REXX variables. Save REXX variables to a pool, then export the pool to file SAVEEXP [DD(fileref) | DS(dataset)] save-parameters This is a combination of SAVE and EXPORT. Index a REXX stem STEMIX STEM(stem.) [DATA(mask)] Indexes a stem by taking the basename and putting a running number as the new suffix, plus .0 of course. This is intended to create an index over a stem with non-numeric suffixes. Notes - the stem is not sorted - if the stem already has entries with numeric suffixes they may be overwritten. See sample Index a REXX stem . Index a stem (old) VARINDEX | VARIX VAR(var) STEM(stem) [POOL(pool)] See INDEX for parameter syntax and usage notes. *deprecated, use INDEX instead* Shows build info VERSION Shows build id and date/time of assembly. sample: ver=REXXGBLV('version') Shows totals for selected variables RSTAT VAR(var) Sample: r=RexxGblv('rlist var(i*)') might return 'count 000012 dtotz 000000000121' Parameter description APPEND Append the VAR(name) stored variables to the AS(name) stem, which must have a stem.0 variable. Only one name is allowed for VAR and AS respectively. Both must be stems ending in a dot (.). AS(newname) Descrete variable, rename to 'as' value. Generic variables, replace the 'var' prefix with the 'as' value. i.e. var(KILROY.) and AS(WASHERE.) => variable KILROY.A -> WASHERE.A i.e. var(KILROY.) and AS(WASHERE) => variable KILROY.A -> WASHEREA It is highly recommended that you use a mask instead, this generic feature may be deprecated in a later build. To use a mask to replace the stem name, do AS('NEWID.'>'.'>*) . Mask, using mask characters as follows: % String character is copied to the output. +c Insert character. +'text' Insert text. Maximum text length is 254. - Delete character. -'text' Delete up to, but not including, 'text'. Maximum text length is 254. * Copy remainder to output (position cursor). *'text' Copy string characters from the current position to text, 'text' itself is not copied. Maximum text length is 254. ?text?if-found?not-found? If text matches string at cursor then use if-found mask, else use not-found mask. Either mask may be null. ?>text?if-found?not-found? If text matches string anywhere at or after cursor then use if-found mask, else use not-found mask. Either mask may be null. Maximum text length is 254. \ The char following in the mask is copied to output, this allows you to copy a mask character - i.e. \% other Mask character is copied. Maximum newname length is 60. See members RXGVSAMP and RXGVIVP1 for samples. DATA(mask) Data filter - when name is generic. Mask characters are * for all or none, % for single. Note that the mask is case sensitive. i.e. DATA(K*r*) DD(fileref) Optional fileref for export and import. Default is RXGVEXP. DW(data-width) Width of data - LIST/RLIST functions. Default=85 If specified as 0 then the actual data width is used. NW(name-width) Width of name - LIST/RLIST functions. Default=35 If specified as 0 then the actual name width is used. LENGTH Show name- and data length for LIST and RLIST. LISTSTEM(name) For LIST commands, write list to this stem instead of standard output (SAY). For LOAD commands, write list of variables loaded to the stem. See samples. POOL(pool) Pool name, max length=16. The name is translated to uppercase, it may contain any characters, but may not begin with '-', '(' or ')'. An asterix '*' can be used to specify the default pool. STEM(name) Stem name do include the dot. Maximum length is 240 bytes. TRACE Writes a lot of diagnostic info. VALUE(data) Data to store for the VAR(name) variable. Used with the ADD function. Maximum length is 200 bytes, do not use parenthesis or quotes. VALVAR(name) Name of variable containing data. Used with the ADD function when the VALUE parameter would conflict with the syntax parser. VAR(name | mask | list) Variable name. Can contain wildcards '*' for multiple or null characters and '%' for a single character. A trailing dot (.) defines a stem base. Maximum length is 240 bytes. A list is a number of names or masks. The list size is max 240 bytes. DD statements RXGVEXP Fileref for the EXPORT, IMPORT, REXPORT and RIMPORT functions. RECFM=VB, LRECL should be half-track size. Make LRECL=27994 and BLKSIZE=27994 and you should be ok on a 3390 (like) disk. Alternative DDname can be defined by the DD operand. Variables set at termination Some information is externalized through the variables below. They are all returned, though most will contain zeroes. REXXGBLV_EXPORTN Number of entries exported to pool. REXXGBLV_IMPORTN Number of entries imported from pool. REXXGBLV_MAXDL Max data length REXXGBLV_MAXNDL Max name+data length REXXGBLV_MAXNL Max name length REXXGBLV_MSG Reason or failure message REXXGBLV_RLISTN Number of REXX variables listed. REXXGBLV_RLOADN Number of REXX variables loaded. REXXGBLV_VDELN Number of pool variables deleted. REXXGBLV_VLISTN Number of pool entries listed REXXGBLV_VLOADN Number of REXX variables loaded. REXXGBLV_VSAVEN Number of REXX variables saved. Principles of operation REXXGBLV creates a storage areas and use IEANTCR services to build name/token pairs to save the information for the areas. The pool name can be set in the call to REXXGBLV, thus allowing a virtually unlimited number of variable stores. Storage Pool storage is obtained from storage pool 131, so it survives till the TSO online- or batch session is terminated (step end) unless specifically freed. All storage, except 64K used for I/O operations, is requested from above the line. Using 64-bit storage or data spaces has been deemed unnecessary so far. The initial amount of storage for a pool is 1452 bytes. As the pool sees activity this will of course increase, actual amount depending on the number of variables saved and the combined size of the stored variables. Storage is not necessarily released when a variable is deleted. Depending on internal settings storage is released or moved to free queues from where it can be quickly reused. This is done as an attempt to avoid excessive getmain/freemain activity. Not all storage is released when a pool is dropped. Some basic control blocks and a number of free elements are kept as an attempt to avoid excessive getmain/freemain activity. The maximum storage Retained for a dropped pool is currently 11K. There are 3 internal pools so assuming one user pool has been created used and dropped, the storage retained would be 44K. Samples Save and retrieve REXX variables parse value 'Kilroy was here' with p1 p2 p3 cc=REXXGBLV('save pool(p1) var(p*)') say 'List pool.....' cc=REXXGBLV('list pool(p1)') /* list stored */ say 'List actual...' cc=REXXGBLV('rlist var(p*)') /* list actual */ p1='The president' say 'List actual after setting P1' cc=REXXGBLV('rlist var(p*)') /* list actual */ cc=REXXGBLV('load pool(p1)') /* reload */ say 'List actual after reload' cc=REXXGBLV('rlist var(p*)') /* list actual */ Displays List pool..... P1 Kilroy P2 was P3 here # of records listed: 00000003 List actual... P1 Kilroy P3 here P2 was List actual after setting P1 P1 The president P3 here P2 was List actual after reload P1 Kilroy P3 here P2 was Note that REXX variables are not necessarily shown in alphabetical order. Save the stack as a stem with the .0 added queue 'kilroy' queue 'was' queue 'here' cc=rexxgblv('save stack pool(tt) as(stk.) gen0') "delstack" cc=rexxgblv('list pool(tt)') Shows: Pool name TT STK.0 00000003 STK.1 kilroy STK.2 was STK.3 here # of records listed: 00000004 Add a pool variable directly Callers code: cc=RexxGblv( del var(log.) ) /*or cc=RexxGblv( add var(log.0) value(0) ) */ Call Sub1 cc=RexxGblv('load var(log.)') do n=1 to log.0 say log.n end Sub1 code: cc=RexxGblv( add var(log.+) value( time() Program started) ) .. some code .. cc=RexxGblv( add var(log.+) value( time() Program ended) ) Return 0 Will show something like this: 15:24:33 Program started 15:24:34 Program ended Save using multiple names and masks cc=RexxGblv('save var(key. data.) pool(vssave)') Export and import directly to/from file Fileref //RXGVEXP DD RECFM=VB,LRECL=27994,SPACE=(TRK,(5,5)),UNIT=SYSDA,.. Program Alpha = 'Letter nr 01' Charlie = 'Letter nr 03' India = 'Letter nr 09' Juliet = 'Letter nr 10' Romeo = 'Letter nr 18' Sierra = 'Letter nr 19' Tango = 'Letter nr 20' Zulu = 'Letter nr 26' cc=RexxGblv('rexport var(*ie*)') say REXXGBLV_EXPORTN+0 'variables exported' drop alpha charlie india juliet romeo sierra tango zulu say alpha charlie india juliet romeo sierra tango zulu cc=RexxGblv('rimport var(*lie*)') say REXXGBLV_IMPORTN+0 'variables imported' say alpha charlie india juliet romeo sierra tango zulu cc=RexxGblv('rimport') say REXXGBLV_IMPORTN+0 'variables imported' say alpha charlie india juliet romeo sierra tango zulu Shows 3 variables exported ALPHA CHARLIE INDIA JULIET ROMEO SIERRA TANGO ZULU 2 variables imported ALPHA Letter nr 03 INDIA Letter nr 10 ROMEO SIERRA TANGO ZULU 3 variables imported ALPHA Letter nr 03 INDIA Letter nr 10 ROMEO Letter nr 19 TANGO ZULU Build a stem of REXX variable names data.0 = 'zero' dataf = 'sixth letter in the alphabet' foxtrot = 'foxtrot is a dance' datad = 'delta' faulty = 'Faulty Towers' function = 'test filter' cc=REXXGBLV('rindex var(f*t*) stem(filter.)') creates FILTER.0 = '00000003' FILTER.1 = 'FAULTY' FILTER.2 = 'FUNCTION' FILTER.3 = 'FOXTROT' Index a REXX stem CAR.BMW = 'german car make' CAR.FORD = 'USA car make' CAR.MAZDA = 'japanese car make' cc=RexxGblv('stemix stem(car.)') creates CAR.0 = '00000003' CAR.1 = 'BMW' CAR.2 = 'MAZDA' CAR.3 = 'FORD' Load variables, use the liststem and VALUE function to retrieve data. cc=RexxGblv('load pool(T071) var(*li* *el*) liststem(lst.)') do n=1 to lst.0 say 'lst.'n left(lst.n,12) '->' value(lst.n) end See member RXGVSAMP for more samples. Installation See member REXXGBLV. If you do not want to use the stay-in-JPAQ feature, then change the statement CDEUCTZ2 dsect=N to a comment. Initial verification See members RXGVIVP$ (JCL) and RXGVIVP (program). The REXXGBLV installation step is set up to execute the IVP member as well. The IVP job can also be used for samples, but the RXGVSAMP member is probably more readable. Performance REXXGBLV is fully reentrant, so can reside in LPALIB or linklist. LPALIB is recommended. If run from JOBLIB or STEPLIB the program will reload itself, thus remaining in JPAQ - or in other words there will be only one program load for the entire session. See the Install section for how to disable this feature.