Macro .*- .* SETREG - build Lx instruction (inner macro) .* .* Returns length in a global variable, length either defined by the .* 2rd operand, or computed from the 2nd operand. .* Syntax: .* SETREG r1,label -> laey r1,label .* SETREG r1,,label -> laey r1,label .* SETREG r1,number -> iilf r1,nnn .* SETREG r1,4(,r3) -> la r1,4(,r3) -> length=0 .* SETREG r1,(r2) -> lr r1,r2 -> length=0 .* SETREG r1,'kilroy' -> la r1,=c'kilroy' .* SETREG r1,0 -> slr r1,r1 -> length=0 .* SETREG r1,x.label -> lx r1,label (x: B,C,F or H) -> length=0 .* The length is returned in global variables &$SETREGL (numeric) and .* &$SETREGLC (character). Be careful as i.e. equated number will set .* length=1. .* The type LBL, TXT etc is returned in global variable &$SETREGT. .* Note that label B.xx expands into a LLC instruction which loads .* the entre byte, whereas the LB instruction uses bit 0 as a sign. .* .* Author .* Willy Jensen .* mail: .* web : .* .* History .* 2017-14-03 numeric value now different from label. .* 2018-06-16 2rd operand is now alternate src, not global length. .* 2019-01-11 change global $SETREGLC. .* 2020-11-11 add global $SETREGT. .* 2020-12-01 change 'la label' to laey label', sr+ic to llc. .* 2021-06-03 update set of &$SETREGL and &$SETREGLC. .* fix handling of source like 1(,r1) - new type REGO. .* 2021-07-21 change t'&src eq 'U' to t'&src ne 'C' .* 2021-08-22 new type *.address, macro determines field len .* 2021-08-23 change LH to LLH .*- &mlbl SETREG ®,&psrc,&pasrc,&pasrc2,&glen=,&src2= lcla &n,&l lclc &s,&c,&r,&srct,&srcl,&src,&li(4) gbla &$SETREGL gblc &$SETREGLC gblc &$SETREGT &$SETREGL seta 0 &$SETREGLC setc '' .* select source aif (k'&psrc gt 0).setsrc1 aif (k'&pasrc gt 0).setsrc2 aif (k'&pasrc2 gt 0).setsrc3 aif (k'&src2 gt 0).setsrc4 mnote 8,'** SETREG mising source' .setsrc1 anop &src setc '&psrc' ago .setsrcn .setsrc2 anop &src setc '&pasrc' ago .setsrcn .setsrc3 anop &src setc '&pasrc2' ago .setsrcn .setsrc4 anop &src setc '&src2' .setsrcn anop .* &s setc Upper('&src') aif ('&s '(1,3) eq 'L''''').litlen &srct setc t'&src &srcl setc Lower('&src') .* mnote *,'type &srct' .*- .* what kind of 1st operand do we have? .*- aif (k'&src gt 0).cp1 mnote 8,'src operand missing' mexit .cp1 anop &n seta k'&src aif ('&src '(2,1) eq '.').load aif ('&src' eq '0').clr clear register aif ('&src'(1,1) eq '(').reg register aif ('&src'(1,1) eq '''').txt text aif ('&srct' eq 'N').num number aif ('&src'(&n,1) eq ')').rego register + number '4(r13)' ago .lbl assume label .*- src is 0, means clear reg .clr anop , &$SETREGT setc 'CLR' &mlbl slr ®,® mexit .*- src is a number .num anop , &$SETREGT setc 'NUM' &mlbl iilf ®,&src &$SETREGL seta &src mexit .*- src is a label or address or n(reg) .lbl anop , label &$SETREGT setc 'LBL' &mlbl laey ®,&src &s setc t'&src .* mnote *,'LBL t=&s' &s setc Upper('&src') aif ('&s'(1,2) eq 'L''').lbll aif (t'&src ne 'C').lblu was eq c'U' 2021-07-21 &$SETREGL seta l'&src &$SETREGLC setc '&$SETREGL' mexit .lblu anop &$SETREGLC setc 'l''&src' mexit .lbll anop &$SETREGLC setc '&src' mexit .*- src is a register .reg anop , register &$SETREGT setc 'REG' &n seta (k'&src)-2 &s setc '&src'(2,&n) &mlbl lr ®,&s mexit .*- src is a register + number , i.e. 4(,r13) .rego anop , register &$SETREGT setc 'REGO' &mlbl la ®,&s mexit .*- src is text .txt anop , &$SETREGT setc 'TXT' &s setc '=c&src' &mlbl laey ®,&s &n seta (k'&src)-2 &$SETREGL seta &n &$SETREGLC setc '&n' mexit .*- load from storage .load anop , .* mnote *,'load' &c setc Upper('&srcl'(1,1)) &n seta (k'&src)-2 &s setc '&src'(3,&n) &$SETREGT setc 'LFS' aif ('&c' eq 'F' or '&c' eq 'A').loadf aif ('&c' eq 'B' or '&c' eq 'C').loadb aif ('&c' eq 'H').loadh aif ('&c' eq '*').loadQ mnote 8,*** invalid load parm &c' mexit .loadf anop , &mlbl l ®,&s load from fullword mexit .loadh anop , &mlbl llh ®,&s load from halfword mexit .loadb anop , &mlbl llc ®,&s load from byte mexit .loadq anop , &li(1) setc 'llc' &li(2) setc 'llh' &li(3) setc '???' &li(4) setc 'l' &l seta l'&s &c setc '&li(&l)' &mlbl &c ®,&s mexit *- .litlen anop &n seta (k'&src)-4 &$SETREGL seta &n &$SETREGLC setc '&$SETREGL' la ®,&n length of literal mexit *- .x Mend