REXX function - perform various actions for REXX variables Warnings - v012 changes the syntax for STEM2TBL and TBL2STEM. General description REXXVARS is a general function to perform various actions for REXX variables - browse, copy, drop, edit, index, list, rename, sort and view. Some of those functions can be done using standard REXX features, though with some difficulties, others like the INDEX command and selection by mask cannot. It can sort long variables (gt 32756 bytes), which to the best of my knowledge no other sort can do. Multiple variable specifications can be entered as input, each specification can be a descrete name, a mask, a stem or a stem with numeric tail, the latter is called a 'numstem'. See the 'Varlist' description below. The list and display actions operates in either of 2 modes: Numstem or standard. Numstem is when just one variable is specified and that variable is a numeric stem in the format stem.# (see 'Varlist' description below). In numstem mode only the variables data is shown, in standard mode both the variables name and contents are shown. Build: 012 Fixes in this build - External sort rewritten to allow DFSPARM overrides. Changes in this build - New syntax for STEM2TBL and TBL2STEM - STEM(n) instead of VAR(n) and STEM(n) without trailing #. - STEM(stemname.) may now be used instead of VAR(varname.#) in most commands. - LIST STACK - SORT can now handle override file DFSPARM. - SORT can now use a stem for DFSPARM. - SORT FIELDS(COPY) See the RXRVHIST member for earlier changes. Short syntax, refer to the detailed function descriptions below. rc = REXXVARS(command-string) command-string: BROWSE VAR(varlist) | STACK [PANEL(panel)] [NW(namewidth)] [HDR(hdrtext)] COPY VAR(varlist) | STEM(stemname) | STack AS(newnamemask or stemname) | TOSTACK [ONData(mask)] [COUNT(countn)] [LAST(lastn)] [SKIP(skipn)] EDIT VAR(varlist) | STACK [PANEL(panel)] [NW(namewidth)] [HDR(hdrtext)] DROP VAR(varlist) INDEX VAR(varlist) AS(stemname) [ALL] LIST VAR(varlist) | STEM(stemname) [ONData(mask)] [NW(namewidth)] [LW(listwidth)] [HDR(hdrtext)] [SHow(show)] [COUNT(countn)] [LAST(lastn)] [SKIP(skipn)] LIST STACK [LW(linewidth)] [ONData(mask)] RENAME VAR(varlist) AS(newnamemask) SORT STEM(stemname) [AS(stemname)] [FIELDS(sort-fields|COPY)] [DFSPARM(dfspstem)] [ONData(mask)] [NODUP] [Descending] [MODE(E|I)] STEM2TBL STEM(stemname) | STack TABLE(table) TBLVAR(varname) TBL2STEM TABLE(table) TBLVAR(varname) STEM(stemname) | TOSTACK VERSION VIEW VAR(varlist) | STACK [PANEL(panel)] [NW(namewidth)] [HDR(hdrtext)] rc is the response as follows: 0 ok >0 not ok, see the REXXVARS_RSN variable for details Browse Browse variables or the stack in an ISPF screen. The record format and length is variable and 32752. You see the variable name followed by an equal sign (=) and the data. You can specify the panel to use. Copy Copy variable(s) under control of a mask, see the section 'Mask for altering values' later. In addition to the normal name selection, you can also use the ONDATA parameter to filter on data content, see the section 'Mask for filtering values' later. When varlist is one numstem name and the newname causes the varlist entry to end in a dot, either specifically or by applying it as a mask, then the program will build output stem sequence numbers including stem.0. Likewise when the varlist is one stemname and the newname ends in .# then the program will also build an output stem with sequence numbers and stem.0 If you are copying to an ISPF table then the table must exist beforehand. The program will do TBADDs, so if the table contains more than one name the other table variables will be set to their default value. If you are copying from an ISPF table then only the named variable becomes the stem. Samples copy var(wh*) as(+'q.z'*) Variables WHO WHAT and WHERE are copied to Q.ZWHO, Q.ZWHAT and Q.ZWHERE. copy var(text.#) as(+c*) ondata(*Doctor*) Variables TEXT.n are copied to CTEXT.n if they contain 'Doctor'. copy var(text.#) as(newtext.) ondata(*Doctor*) Variables TEXT.n are copied to NEWTEXT.n with properly ascending sequence numbers and NEWTEXT.0 is created. copy var(text.) as(name.#) Stem TEXT.* is copied as numeric stem NAME.n, incl NAME.0. copy stack as(dynpnl.#) The stack is copied as numeric stem DYNPNL.n, incl DYNPNL.0. The stack entries are deleted. Drop Drop variable(s) under control of a mask, see the section 'Mask for filtering values' later. The REXX DROP command is normally recommended, but REXXVARS offers wildcarding. Samples parse value 'Kilroy was here yesterday' with who what where when drop var(whe*) Will drop WHERE and WHEN. Edit Edit variables or the stack in an ISPF screen. For variables it operates in either standard or numstem mode - se below. The record format and length is variable and 32752 respectively. You can modify data in both modes. Variables in standard mode You see the variable name followed by an equal sign (=) and the data. You can create new variables by overwriting a line or adding a new line. Note that blanks following the equal sign are kept, but trailing blanks are stripped. Blanks between the variable name and the equal sign are ignored. You can delete variables by adding a minus sign (-) in column 1 before the variable name. Deleting a line will just remove it from being edited, the variable itself is not touched. Variables in numstem mode Only the data is shown and the line number is the stem sequence number and becomes the stem sequence trail when saved. Variables with a stemnum greater than the last line number are not touched when saving. Editing the stack. The result of the edit becomes the new stack, record additions and deletions are honored. You can cancel the edit and retain the stack contents since the last SAVE. The NWIDTH parameter is used to make a tabular-like display. Not for numstem mode. You can specify the panel to use. Index Index creates a numeric stem from a nun-numeric stem. The purpose is to enable access to a non-numeric stem by sequence. The output stem (AS parameter) may be the same as the input stem. Sample stem cars. before INDEX: = 'Old USA car maker' = 'German producer of very nice cars' cars.wv = 'German car for the common people' cars.mazda = 'We had a couple of those japanese cars' make index cc=RexxVars('Index var(cars.) as(cars.)') stem cars. after INDEX: CARS.AUDI = 'German producer of very nice cars' CARS.FORD = 'Old USA car maker' CARS.MAZDA = 'We had a couple of those japanese cars' CARS.WV = 'German car for the common people' CARS.0 = 00000004 CARS.1 = 'CARS.AUDI' CARS.2 = 'CARS.FORD' CARS.3 = 'CARS.MAZDA' CARS.4 = 'CARS.WV' Listing by sequence do n=1 to cars.0 say n'='cars.n'->'value(cars.n) end Make index of normal ordered stem: cc=RexxVars('index var(list.#) as($list.) all') this will make $list.0 = 'list.0', $list.1 = 'list.1' etc. List List variables in either normal or numstem mode. In numstem mode the variables are ordered by the stem tail, in normal mode they are listed in alphabetical order, meaning that TEXT.12 comes before TEXT.2. Default is to list variable name and data in colums. The name column default width is 30, the data column default width is 48. The name column width can be set by the NW parameter, the total line width can be set by the LW parameter. You can use '*' as name column width to use the width of the longest name selected. HDR(NO) suppresses the header. Samples list var(text*) hdr(testhdr) Lists all variables TEXT*. list var(text.) nw(*) Lists the TEXT. stem using the longest name as name column width. list var(text.) show(len) lw(130) Lists the TEXT. stem showing length for both name and data, and using 130 as total list width. list var(text.*c*) hdr(no)' Lists all variables TEXT*.C* with no header. Rename Rename variables. The parameters are the same as COPY, as RENAME is really a combination of COPY and DROP. Sort Sort a stem to itself or to a new stem. - The variables are internally converted to variable length records, position values in the FIELDS parameter are adjusted automatically. But if you do overrides i.e. through the DSFPARMS libref, you must remember to add 4 to the position values. - You can use the DFSPARMS(stemname) parameter to define overrides directly in you REXX, without having to allocate a dataset. The contents of the stem elements must adhere to the rules set out for the DFSPARM dataset. Stem.0 must be set to the number of stem variables. - Large variables are supported, but you can only sort within positions 1-32740, this is a DFSORT limitation. If you do sort large variables, then do not use DFSPARM to restructure the data. Large records are split before SORT is invoked and the back-end is re-attached after sort. And REXXVARS have no idea of what you might have done in DFSPARMS... - Fields defaults to sorting the entire variable ascending. - The Descending parameter will sort descending. - The NODUP parameter will drop duplicate records. - Using FIELDS(COPY) together with the DFSPARM feature allows you to rearrange records in a large stem without altering the sequence. - REXXVARS sort will create and drop variables REXXVAR$ internally. If external sort is selected then the FIELDS parameter defaults to (5,4088,CH,A). Samples sort var(text.#) fields(1,8,ch,a,10,2,ch,a) Sort numeric stem TEXT by fields. The fist value of each quadlet (the position) will be adjusted internally to match. sort var(text.) fields(1,8,ch,a) ondata(*Doctor*) Filtered sort. sort var(text.) fields(1,8,ch,a) as(data.) Sort stem TEXT. creating new stem DATA. STEM2TBL Copy a stem to an ISPF table. The table must exist. Table rows are added. The table may consist of multiple variables, but only one is set by this command using the VAR parameter. TBL2STEM Copy an ISPF table to a stem. The table may contain multiple variables, but only one is used by this command. Version Return REXXVARS version and assembly date-time. View Works by default the same as EDIT, though without the SAVE. When the NWIDTH parameter is used then a couple of white spaces are inserted. Parameter descriptions all Index, process stem records with numeric suffix. append Sort, append to AS(stem) rather than replace. countn Number of records, variables or stack, to process after skipping skipn records. Only for numeric stems, i.e. 'list var(rslt.#) count(100)'. descending Sort descending. dfspstem Name of stem containing DFSPARM input. The contents must adhere to the restrictions for the DFSPARM dataset. See the SORT command above for details. hdr Text to as header in list. The default is 'Listing varlist'. Max length is 54, blanks are translated to underscores. lastn Process only the lastn number of variables. listwidth Total width of list. mode Force sort mode External or Internal. External mode is implicit if you use the FIELDS parameter. namewidth Width of name column in list. Can be a specific value or '*' for using the widest name selected. newnamemask Mask for renaming variable(s), see Newnamemask below for details. Max length is 160. NODUP SORT drop duplicate records. ondata Mask for filtering variables by their contents. panel ISPF panel name. Default for browse is ISPBROBA. - - edit is standard edit panel. - - view is standard view panel. SHOW Change how list is displayed. ALL include stem records with numeric suffix. LEN show lengths of name and data in the list. The 4-byte name length field is taken from the name width value. S0 show stem.0 when listing numeric stem. skipn Number of records, variables or stack, to skip before processing. sort-fields One or more quadlets, specified as with normal DFSORT: pos,length,type,direction i.e. 2,20,CH,A. Even though the sort is done as a variable-length sort, the 'pos' field is internally adjusted so that you dont have to. But if you use a DFSPARM file then you must add 8 to all 'pos' fields to allow for a pseudo RDW and internal control area. If you don't then you will face a S0C4 abend. STACK read from the stack. stemname stemname including trailing dot. Max length is 160. tblname ISPF table written to / read from. tblvar ISPF table variable name updated / read. TOSTACK write to the stack instead of a stem. VAR(name) ISPF table variable for the STEM2TBL and TBL2STEM commands. varlist one or more variable names or masks as follows, max length is 160. descrete Name without any generic chars, i.e. DATE. mask Name is a mask, see the Mask below for details. numstem Stemname ending with .#, i.e. TEXT.# - stem.0 must contain the number of stem variables. genstem Stemname including trailing dot, functionally equivalent to the mask stem.* varname descrete variable name, max length is 160. Mask for filtering values Mask characters operation % Matches any one character. * Matches zero or more characters. Mask for altering values Mask characters operation % String character is copied to the output. 'text' Insert text. Maximum text length is 254. > Advance cursor (=drop character). >'text' Advance cursor to start of text in remainder of string. Maximum text length is 254. * Copy remainder to output (position cursor). *'text' Copy string characters from the current position to text, 'text' itself is not copied. Maximum text length is 254. ?>text?if-found?not-found? If text matches string anywhere at or after cursor then use if-found mask, else use not-found mask. Either mask may be null. Maximum text length is 254. \ The char following in the mask is copied to output, this allows you to copy a mask character - i.e. \% other Mask character is copied. Return codes 0 All ok 4 Warning, like empty input. See the REXXVARS_RSN variable for details. >4 Bad. See the REXXVARS_RSN variable for details. Special variables created REXXVARS_GETN number of variables read. REXXVARS_OUTN number of variables written. REXXVARS_RSN reason if rc gt 0 REXXVARS_STAT various statistics, currently in the format: NMAXL(nmaxl) DMAXL(dmaxl) NAMEN(namen) GETN(getn) OUTN(outn) SORT(sortmode) CMN(cmn) where cmn for internal sort, the number of compares done. dmaxl maximum data length getn numer of variables read passing data- and other filters. namen number of names selected nmaxl maximum name length outn number of variables written, including dynamically created stem.0 for index. sortmode Sort mode selected, E = external or I = internal Installation notes The program will by default reload itself thus retaining the module in the JPAQ. This improves performance for multiple calls significantly. This load will not be done if the program is added to the LPA, which is the recommended placement. You can disable the self-load option by removing the 'CDEUCTZ2' statement. Contact info email web (newest version here)