ISPF exit 1 - make dynamic panels from REXX stem(s) Current build: 005 2022-09-07 Description This ISPF panel exit is used to insert records into an ISPF panel. It can replace the entire panel, or one or more sections with data in REXX stem variable(s). Note that the )END statement must still be present in the panel. The exit looks for a line starting with '*ISPDPX01 vname' in the panel, then inserts the entire stem vname there. When using specific stemname The vname must include the trailing dot, max width incl the dot is 115 characters. When using indirect stemname The vname must be inclosed in paranthesis, or start with an ampersand, and must be a normal variable name of 1-8 characters. The stemname in the vname must adhere to the specific stemname rules above. Multiple occurences of '*ISPDPX01 vname' is allowed, see member ISX1PNL2 for a sample. Sample panel using specific stemname, named TESTX001: )INEXIT LOAD,ISPDPX01 *ISPDPX01 pl. )END Sample REXX code for panel: pl.1 = ')ATTR' pl.2 = ')BODY expand(\\)' pl.3 = '%Test panel exit 1' pl.4 = '%Cmd =>_zcmd \ \ +' pl.5 = '+' pl.6 = 'Just some text' pl.7 = '+' pl.8 = ')INIT' pl.9 = ')PROC' pl.0 = 9 address ispexec "display panel(TESTX001)" Sample panel using indirect stemname, named TESTX002: )INEXIT LOAD,ISPDPX01 *ISPDPX01 &pnlstem )END Sample REXX code for panel: Populate stem pl. as above.... pnlstem='pl.' address ispexec "display panel(TESTX002)" The program is written using my structured assembly macro set WSAM. These macros are similar but not identical to IBM's structured assembly macros. Members in the dataset: ISPDPX01 Source - assemble and link. ISX1DOC Documentation (you are reading it now). ISX1MACS Macro copy book. ISX1IVP1 Verification pgm. ISX1PNL* Sample panels etc. Installation notes: If the assembly fails for enhanced immediate instruction, i.e. LGFI, then remove the asterix in front of 'COPY Z10MACS' and reassemble. Contact info email web