Memberlist Compare (MLCMP) application Current build: 005 General description MLCMP shows a side-by-side list of 2 library memer lists, which makes for easy comparison. Members are marked for being in one library only, which one is the newest etc. The display can be searched and filtered, see the Primary Commands section. You can do various actions directly from the display, refer to the Line Command section. *Program STARTOOL or PDS86 (PDSMAIN) is required* The panel 'PROMPT' option will show a prompt panel if a command is deemed destructive, like when copy will replace a member. The panel 'REPLACE' option will bypass the prompt. Parameters lib1 lib2 mbr blank seperated library names. If less that 2 names are specified then a prompt screen is presented. The libraries obviously must be of the same type (record format Fb, Vb, or U). 'mbr' is one or more membernames or masks. Default is all members. Primary commands ALL Show all records. BOTH Show records for members in both libs. DATadif Show records where note is 'datadif'. DIF Show records where note is not 'same'. F f c v d Find field 'f' by condition 'c' for value 'v' and 'd' is optional direction FIRST, LAST, NEXT or PREV. Default is NEXT. 'field' is one of the names heading the display or DATE for both DATE1 and DATE2, or ID for both ID1 and ID2, 'condition' is one of the following: >, <, <> or =. > and < are meant to be used with data fields. 'value' is either the full or partial value to test for, or a mask using '%' for one char and '*' for zero or many chars. If field is 'NAME' then the alias names are also searched. You can use an asterix (*) to reuse the latest c+v. If field is DATE or ID and cond is <> then test is done with field1 AND field2. If field is DATE or ID and cond is not <> then test is done with field1 OR field2. The value may be specified as NULL. Samples: f name=kil f date1=*-10-* f date > 2021 f * prev L m Locate member 'm', may be a mask. RESet Show all records, same as the ALL comand. REFresh Reload member lists. SAME Show records where note is 'same', short for note=same. SETDIF Scan both libraries, mark lines where member data differ. Scanning is only done for the active (filteret) member list. SORT f [D] Sort by field 'f', optionally in Descending order. The field may be NAME,DATE1,DATE2,STAT1,ID1,STAT2,ID2 or NOTE. Default field is NAME. Where c Show only lines with condition 'c'. 'c' is the same as for the FIND command. Samples: w date1>2021 1 Show records where note starts with '1'. 1N Show records where note is '1 newest'. 1O Show records where note is '1 only'. 2 Show records where note starts with '2'. 2N Show records where note is '2 newest'. 2O Show records where note is '2 only'. Line commands 'n' means library id 1 or 2. Bn Browse member in library n. Cn Copy member from library 1 or 2 to other. If member has aliases then you must copy by the main member. Aliases will be also be copied. Replace only if REPLACE opt is 'Y' or PROMPT opt is Y and you accept the prompt. CP Compare members using ISPF EDITs COMPARE command. CX Compare members using ISPF SUPERC. Dn Delete member in library 1 or 2 (n= 1 or 2). Aliases will be also be deleted if main member, main member and other aliases will not be deleted if alias. PROMPT opt Y will cause a prompt before delete. En Edit member in library 1 or 2. L List information for members Mn Move member from library 1 or 2 to other (n= 1 or 2). Aliases will be also be moved if main member, main member and other aliases will be moved if alias. Replace only if REPLACE opt is 'Y' or PROMPT opt is Y and you accept the prompt. SC Compare members using ISPF SuperC side-by-side. X Hide line from display. Y Synchronize, make newest member current in both. Block line commands The C, D, M and X command can be issued for a block of lines by duplicating the 1st character, i.e MM1 in one line and MM1 in another to move a block of members in one go. Notes Unmovable data sets (data set org POU or PSU) cannot be copied. See the ISPF Services manual 'LMCOPY' command for copy details. Members without ISPF statistics are marked with 'no-stat' in the Date column. They are considered older than members with date and time.