)F REXX Write pipe to dataset PIPE subroutine, write to dataset. If the dataset do not exist, it will be created using the allocation parms or values derived from analyzing the input. Syntax PIPE2DS [>|>>] dataset alloc-parms [RTNV]|[RTDDN] >|>> write or append, default is > (write). Dataset is the name of the new or existing dataset to write to. The dataset can be a temporary name like &&TEMP. To access such a dataset afterwards, you must use the RTDDN parameter (see below). Allocation parms are the same as for the BPXWDYN program, so things like 'LIKE(datasetname) CYL SPACE(1,1)' is valid. RTNV returns the generated allocation parameter plus RTDSN(dataset) and RTDDN(ddname). RTDDN will return the ddname for a temporary dataset, to be used like this: "PIPE stem data. | pipe2ds &&temp rtddn | var dd" "PIPE stem data2. | >> ddname="dd . . . "PIPE TSO FREE DD("dd")" TRKS may be used instead of TRACKS LRECL(*) will for RECFM V and set lrecl = length of widest record+4.